Thursday, March 22, 2012

until we only are being held on to

How long? 
The Psalmist also said, "how long, O Lord?".
Every trial seems to grow and grow in intensity until I am only being held on to.  Then- poof!- it's over. 
I am holding on to the truth that one day this present trial will be finished and life will seem easier again.
Is this how a weed feels when it is being pulled out of the soil?  If so, pull the weeds out and plant me with Your completely faithful seed.  Grow me into fruitfulness.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Stability.  It is a good thing to be strong, to be steady, to walk on a level path. 
Emotii.  Compassion.  Mercy.  Faithfulness.
Emotion:  weak-willed.  gullible.  wind-driven.
Instability.  Without self-control, along for the ride with no intention of holding on.

Where are the strong today?   

Monday, March 19, 2012

Faith.  My choice to have confidence in God, believing His word to be true and trustworthy, results in God acting and responding in His great faithfulness.  My small- His great. 
Hidden faults.  I am impressed with my dentist's state-of-the-art tools.  But one camera he has exposes hidden cracks...hidden faults, that indicate a problem.  At this point, I like my old dentist with none of these tools.  He always had good news.  But my present dentist always has bad news, it seems.  Psalm 19:12 - "Who can discern his errors?  Forgive my hidden faults."  It's true- we can't see our hidden faults.  God can see them clearly, and can forgive them.  A dentist can only remove and repair- God can forgive and restore.

Have confidence in God, with humility and love.  -Brother Lawrence.